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Business Continuity /
Disaster Recovery Planning

Secure Technology Group BC/DR Planning services can help your business Analyze, Design, Implement, Test, and Document a plan that fits your organization’s need, priorities, and budget. Our approach is organized in three phases to simplify the process.

The three phases of planning are:

Phase I - Gap, Risk, & Business Analysis

Gap Analysis - Reviewing current BC/DR Plans, assessing overall readiness, and providing recommendations.

Risk/Security Analysis - Examining all potential threats to the business including, technology, physical facilities, and operational procedures.

Business Impact Analysis - Examining critical operations and resources needed to maintain these operations.

Phase II - Design, Implement, & Test

Design & Implement a BC/DR Plan using the information gathered from a Gap, Risk, and Business Analysis. Priorities and budgets are determined and a plan is designed to protect critical operations.

Testing procedures and scheduling tests to ensure that a plan is realistic and functional. Testing will most likely reveal areas that need fine tuning, so expect to modify the plan and test again.

Phase III - Document, Train, & Maintain

Documenting your plan is an essential part of tracking updates to operational procedure.

Training staff will ensure that is business is prepared if a disruption should occur.

Maintaining the BC Plan will make sure the plan matches the needs of the business.

Creating a viable BC/DR Plan is a complex task that involves a series of important steps covering many disciplines. Once the plan is created it must then be tested and maintained to ensure that it remains appropriate to the needs of the organization.

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Secure Technology Group brings its many years of experience in technology and business operations to create a “Plan” that will protect your business from unexpected and costly disruptions.


Defining Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning

The most common definition for these term is as follows:


BC Planning - covers all aspects of maintaining critical business operations in the event of a minor or major disaster.

DR Planning - primarily focused on maintaining IT operations.

A basic BC/DR Plan is an essential part of following good business, practices. This applies to every business from a one person shop to a large corporation.


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Hey Bob, how is our
DR Plan coming along?

Creating Resilient Business & IT Solutions
Call 212-751-0554 or Email: info@securetechny.com